Shopify: Increasing Traffic and Sales


It is clear that why you should write blogs on your shopify store. If you want to get more Shopify traffic and to increase your sales, you need a blog.

However, it is not enough to upload a couple of writings which are full of spams. That was work before. Google and consumers are much more experienced now. Both of them are looking for informative, authorized contents that answers customers questions.

Let’s look at a blog strategy that won by e-commerce sites.


Use the right keywords. Search for a keyword is crucial for SEO success. If search engines could not find you, customers will not find you either. Content marketers know that and spent most of their times to find right keywords. Small businesses would want to focus on creative keywords that answers customers’ questions.

Here are some tools to find right keywords:

Start with Google.

Let’s assume that you sell male shaving products and have a shopify store. Write your product on search engine and go to the related searches. Google exactly tells you that what are your consumers looking for!

Use Ubersuggest to search developed keywords.

Neil Patel developed a free (mostly) keyword searching tool to help you to find less competitive keywords. This overview is beneficial to see how much hard your keyword is going to be. High number of “Complication of SEO” means difficulty of keyword ranking. For instance, “Male shaving products” has middle difficulty level.

Most beneficial area of Ubersuggest is to define keywords that you might target. You see “related searches” tab when you look at “ideas of keyword” from the menu in the left of the page.

This means a lot. You’ll find a keyword list that gives you a chance for a better ranking. Searches there might gain less traffic but remember that Google prefers certified websites. In addition to this, it is more possible that those who search specific keywords are ready to buy.

Start to list the less searched keywords and gain more reliability for your Shopify store with Google, and then with your customers.

Those are the best keyword types to target e-commerce blogs: Long tailed keywords, as you can see above, these are less competitive and more specific. Generally, long tailed keywords have four or more words.

Example: “shoes” versus “best male runners 2020”

Second one is more specific, easy to rank and has a more chance to gain traffic to your website. Now, people who are looking for specific products are ready to buy!

Long tailed keywords success with more rate, for that reason, spent time to investigate which is the best for your work.

Questions. What are the most common questions that your customers asked about your products? People always ask Google questions. Learn the questions of your customers and create a blog contents that answer those questions.

Bonus- There is a clicking tendency to headings which formed as a question. Because people are curious about their answers.


Create a, e-commerce blog, qualified writing, related and enough writing and emphasized on how your products will make peoples lives better.

Here what can you do for getting results as early as possible,

  1. Write for gaining attention
  2. Create a content timing. ( Check out Buffer, HootSuite, SproutSocial apps.)
  3. Emphasize your products in a unusual way.
  4. Introduce your blog’s content. (E-mail, Social Media, Ads)

Your Shopify store blog is same as with any aspect of your work- you get what you gave.

Blogging is a long-time marketing strategy which has a big investment return.

Let’s summarize:

  1. To carry SEO at the highest level:

Recognize your ideal customer.

Use the right keywords.

Quickly optimize headings, meta descriptions and loading page.

Write blogs frequently and make sure that your writings are long enough. To write 1500-1700 words is a good goal.

Give priority to create internal and external backlinks.

  1. To carry investment return at the highest level:

Make your writing interesting and have a strong CTA in your all writings. However, do not make every CTA as a sale campaign. If you know that you are not able to write well or not willing to write, hire a copywriter.

Create a content program and b loyal to it.

Use your blog to emphasize your product’s uniqueness.

Introduce your blog content in social media channels.

  1. To watch your blog performance:

Know that what you need to watch depend on the position of your e-commerce blog. Use the right tool for your business and data watching.

Thanks for reading! We are here for you and your business!


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